Active Heart, Active Mind.


Last week I was shown an article from the Daytona news about a local High School Phys.Ed. teacher that’s become somewhat of a YouTube hit across the U.S. 

The story unfolds as this former pro-volleyball player and now Phys.Ed. teacher decided to take it upon herself to move her classes online during this COVID stricken time.I couldn’t help but dig deeper to get the bigger picture. So I found this new YouTube figure and asked her a few questions of my own.

Toronto, Canada, meet Larissa Maloney. P.E teacher at Father Lopez High School,  a private school in the Daytona Beach, Florida region, that started a YouTube channel titled Active Kids 2.0 for her students in hopes of keeping them active throughout these trying indoor lockdown times.

“What inspired you to take your fitness online and film yourself for your students?”
Larissa’s response, “My students inspire me on a daily basis. In school I am an extremely active instructor. Whatever the students are doing, I’m doing it right along with them. They always tell me it helps motivate them. ‘If coach can do it so can I!’ I wanted to keep that same fire that I give them on a daily basis so that gave me the idea to create the videos—to keep my students engaged.”

“COVID-19 has affected me tremendously as a teacher. Like I said previously, I’m extremely active within my sessions at school so not being able to be face to face was hard for me at first. When I relied on my creativity that’s when the magic happened!!”

In Canada, University students here have resorted to online classes for weeks now, although I’m not sure if its across the board or just select classes.  High schools here are also limited from my understanding. As for primary schools, they’ve just begun online classes with 3 hrs per week.

Add in the financial uncertainty that COVID-19 brings with it, there are families out there who do not have access to laptops, computers, tablets, or the internet. Some students and families rely on libraries, or visiting friends or family to gain access. But in a time where social distancing runs our lives, how are they to continue school?

Larissa is fortunate enough to have students whom have access to computers and internet. She does note that should students not have access to a computer, they are able to obtain a loan computer from the school. 

She’s has 75 kids under wing in school and currently, about 70 of her student partake in her online YouTube classes on a daily basis.

Since starting her YouTube channel, for which she had 5,000 viewers during the first episode, viewership doubled overnight. By the end of the first week, it was up to 15,000 viewers and approximately 1,000 subscribers. She currently has about 25,000 viewers daily. Word has spread quickly and now, viewers from across the U.S. are following along at 9 a.m. daily. 

I asked Larissa how she thinks her channel helps your students, along with the hundreds and thousands of others that have joined in. Her response was simple, “My channel, Active Kids 2.0 has helped thousands of students around the world! I had a mom reach out to me to tell me that her son is on the spectrum and has ADHD and has never been able to focus on his school work. She said he does my workout every morning and is now able to focus all day on his studies! I’ve gotten tons of messages like that which has inspired me even more!! I’ve also gotten messages from families saying my workouts have become a tradition in their house and have brought their family even closer! Teachers have reached out as well! Many PE teachers have used my videos for their daily assignments & have said their kids absolutely love it!”

So this isn’t just for her students, its for all students, for families alike, for movers and doers, and even for teachers who are also in the same boat and stuck wondering how they can motivate their kids, during these uncertain weeks. 

When asked why she thinks so many people have subscribed to continue following her videos, she believes that during difficult times like these it is so important to focus on the positive things happening around us. “I am extremely personable on the videos and welcome kids to be themselves no matter what level of fitness they’re at— that is why so many people have tuned in,” she states.  She even brings her son, Finn (5yrs old) on camera with her on Wednesday’s. This she notes, has opened up the opportunity for students and their families to laugh and enjoy each other too.

Lastly, I asked what tips she might have for those other teachers and parents who are at a loss and looking to inspire their students and kids somehow.Her recommendations include, “always getting out in nature.” If you’re able to do one of her workouts and then take a walk outside- that’s the best medicine for people of all ages. She’s had a few kids send videos of themselves, making up their own workouts and recording it to show their friends and family. 

In my field, the notion of “motion is lotion,” gets frequently thrown around to help encourage those bothered by injuries (especially chronic pain related) to get moving and stay moving, as that is what the body loves best. Larissa has taken that notion and helped apply it not just to injuries, but to learning, opening the mind and staying creative. 

In situations like this, it’s important for us to stay active not just for injury prevention purposes, but to help clear the mind of negative thoughts and feelings. To keep the various systems within the body working like a well oiled machines, which help fend off any other illnesses, bacteria and viruses that may linger. 
I commend Larissa for taking the ACTIVE approach to engaging the youth, and those tagging along. She’s opened her heart and mind, welcomed us into her world, and shown us how even a virtual community can keep us Active in heart and Active in Mind.

Check out Larisa’s awesome YouTube Channel: 

Ariel Estulin

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